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搜尋條件: 關  鍵 字:Taiwan Fund for Children and Families (abbreviated as TFCF), 搜尋欄位:摘  要 or
關  鍵 字:Taiwan Fund for Children and Families (abbreviated as TFCF), 搜尋欄位:作  者 or
關  鍵 字:Taiwan Fund for Children and Families (abbreviated as TFCF), 搜尋欄位:關  鍵 字 or
關  鍵 字:Taiwan Fund for Children and Families (abbreviated as TFCF), 搜尋欄位:標題
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搜尋結果: 1  

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1. 庫  別: 研究資料庫 
    類  別: Thesis 
  標  題: 高高屏縣市受扶助家庭家長對國小親職成效滿意度之研究 
  作  者: 陳亭文 
  關  鍵 字: 家扶中心, 受扶助家庭家長, 親職教育, Taiwan Fund for Children and Families (abbreviated as TFCF), Parent Education  
  站內搜尋: 人口與家庭  
     點閱率 6086  下載數 0  收藏數 0
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